I am a visual artist working in collage, assemblage sculpture and altered books. My practice explores identity, memory and the history of the African diaspora. Vintage and contemporary images collide to convey how the past informs the present.

Genesis, Exodus: when is it time to leave?

Genesis, Exodus: when is it time to leave?

“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to…” bail out of a pariah nation, I suggest we leave in style.

Dirigibles feature prominently in the latest altered books I’ve finished. Not just because I’m a fan, but because all the old “signs of the apocalypse” jokes feel way too real these days. There is just. So. Much for African Americans to leave behind: climate change floods and fires, the coronavirus pandemic, white supremacists in general, police brutality in particular…

Remember why Black Lives Matter protesters faced off with Seattle police in May? Credit: Kelly Kline/Flickr

Remember why Black Lives Matter protesters faced off with Seattle police in May? Credit: Kelly Kline/Flickr

It’s gotten me thinking about #Blaxit again. (Think Brexit, but with Black people leaving the U.S. instead of Britain leaving the European Union.) If you haven’t savored the brilliant essay by Ulysses Burley III at The Salt Collective yet, I highly recommend it. Once your laughter subsides a bit, proceed to the absolute genius that is Awesomely Luvvie’s take on Blaxit.

farm workers_saturated - Copy.jpg

In my version of Blaxit, we’re still debating whether to leave or stay. But if we go, we’re taking zeppelins out of this nightmare, fully stocked and ready for space travel. I’ll post the altered books very soon (right after I’ve had them properly documented) so watch my Instagram account for the upcoming first look.

Throw us a lifeline: collage in the time of coronavirus

Throw us a lifeline: collage in the time of coronavirus

Commission work: the big reveal

Commission work: the big reveal