Lisa Myers Bulmash

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Artfest, Day 2-"Iron Chef," Artist Edition

The regular "Iron Chef" TV show pits one chef and crew against another to create a four-course dinner in an hour. Pikers! Try making a piece of art in 45 minutes!

You have to use at least five of the ten elements on your table. Oh, and you'll have to force the elements to work together. Go!
Some of the Artfest instructors accepted the challenge, including Michael deMeng and Andrea Matus (you'll see her in tomorrow's post)...
Jill Berry (I call her piece "Bound and Determined")...
MaryBeth Shaw...

and Clarissa Callesen, who suddenly realized time was running out. (This video's NSFW, so turn down your speaker volume):
There's no winner -- unless 'we're all winners here!' --
-- but it's hilarious and exciting watching the creative process cranked up to 11...
... in all its weird manifestations.

Ta-da! Tomorrow: Day 3 of my classes at Artfest with Andrea Matus, in which I freak out just a tetch. Leave a comment here or friend me on Facebook so I can hear what you have to say!