Lisa Myers Bulmash

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BAMignite photo contest: the good kind of "Paper Cuts"

Is it the smell of an old book that makes me love almost every kind of paper? The colors... the textures that range from gossamer to one-step-away-from-concrete? Ohhh... paper. 
* clears throat* Sorry. I guess you can tell I'm hungrily awaiting an upcoming exhibit at the Bellevue Arts Museum: "Nikki McClure: Cutting Her Own Path, 1996-2012."
"Ditch the Car", Nikki McClure. Photo credit: Dan Kvitka.
Used with permission from Bellevue Arts Museum.
Nikki McClure uses X-ACTO blades to cut away black paper until she's left with small slices of everyday life. (And yes, she's self-taught. Daaang.) The exhibit opens two weeks from today.

Now you have a chance to show off what you do with paper -- or fibers, or threads, or photography. Take a photo related to one of these four themes:
  • Paper cuts (a paper creation with emotional impact)
  • Threads (lines of fiber, color... get creative!)
  • Twisted (actual knots, or something that expresses the twists of your life)
  • Made in My Town (especially Bellevue-related photos)
Next step: upload it to the museum's Facebook page. The deadline is November 10th.

Finally: On November 16th, BAM will project the photos at the next BAMignite art party.
Those who took the top five photos get free tickets to the party, plus more prizes. How 'bout that?!
As you can see on my Pinterest board "Fun with Paper," I'm constantly amazed by what you can do with paper. And although I don't do much fiber work, I have a soft spot in my heart for yarnbombing.  
But which photo to enter in the contest? What would you send in? Go on, take a picture and enter! (And tell 'em you heard it from me.)