Lisa Myers Bulmash

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It's all happening at once: art in August

Seattle festival season always ramps up in August, but I bet the first weekend of that month is gonna set some kind of record. Everything is trying to happen all at once!

I'm blocking out July 30th through August 2nd to visit the first Seattle Art Fair. Tons of art gallery representatives and other glitterati are flying in from New York, Tokyo, Seoul... the list goes on. They're showing their best and brightest artists, looking for new collectors and generally networking like there's no tomorrow. The fair will be at the football stadium, but there are also several satellite fair events sprinkled around the area.

Riding that wave of events is Art of the City, the one-day art and music festival in Pioneer Square. You'll find me at the epicenter, in the Tashiro Kaplan Building, for the final iteration of the Black Lives Matter exhibit.

You only have to walk a few short (really, they're pretty short) blocks between Art of the City and the Seattle Art Fair. (The star in the map is Art of the City; the light blue square is the Fair.)

Oh, but there's more! As I was mentioning Art of the City to a friend the other day, she interrupted with an excruciatingly good point:

"Isn't that also SeaFair weekend?"

Oh, that thing that draws thousands of hydroplane fans to the south end of Seattle? The one led by a pirate crew? 

Yes, it is. But the thing is, going to Art of the City is still doable. Here are some suggestions:

  • Come to Art of the City right off the bat -- party starts at 11am and goes until 11pm
  • Plot out a bus route using the Sound Transit Trip Planner
  • Carpool like your sanity depends on it (it probably does)
  • Prioritize what you want to see at the Seattle Art Fair: preview it to find your kind of art.

Oh yeah, and wear your walking shoes. Not the cute ones that pinch after an hour. The real walking shoes. (This is Seattle: funny-looking shoes are normal here.) See you soon!