I am a visual artist working in collage, assemblage sculpture and altered books. My practice explores identity, memory and the history of the African diaspora. Vintage and contemporary images collide to convey how the past informs the present.

Why see a show that leaves you hanging?

Why see a show that leaves you hanging?

Let’s face it: the holidays involve a lot of waiting: for a flight or train, for a specific day, for gifts. Some people embrace the agony/ecstasy of that moment, like the artists in my upcoming show.

Safe-Not Safe PDX.jpg

Safe/ Not Safe (PDX)” will be shown as part of a group exhibit in Portland, “With Bated Breath.” Gallery 114 intends to present ‘work that captures the sensation of breathing shallowly in response to heightened anticipation.’ What says “anxiety” more clearly than the sight of a child perched on the edge of a tower?

But there’s more than anxiety in this show; there’s also hope. The real potential of this exhibit is in a shared and intense experience: just like going with a group to see a scary movie — or a romantic comedy. Join us on the precipice: the show opens on January 2nd.

Winter break

Black Friday: put a little love in an artist's pocket

Black Friday: put a little love in an artist's pocket