I am a visual artist working in collage, assemblage sculpture and altered books. My practice explores identity, memory and the history of the African diaspora. Vintage and contemporary images collide to convey how the past informs the present.

Countdown to Art Walk

I may have mentioned last week that things were a lil' busy around the castle last week... here's one of the reasons why.
In two weeks, I'll be participating in this month's Edmonds Art Walk. It'll be my first exhibit, apart from having done some craft fairs at work. If you're in the Seattle area or the south end of Snohomish County, please come check out my latest art!

Here's when and where:
Third Thursday (February 18th this month), at the Resident Cheesemonger. (I'll be the art monger at the Cheesemonger.)

So when you arrive -- ahem, when you arrive -- you'll see two framed pieces as you walk in the door, replacing these cheese festival posters...
... an assemblage on this table, and some of my Recession Tarot notebooks as well.
I promise to let you sample the cheeses too!

Okay, I'm busted. The cheese tasting is part of the event. You know, store owner gets a new draw for the store, artist gets a place to exhibit work... that's what these art walks are meant to do. 

Now remember, there is some serious cheese in here, so temptation abounds. Eat the cheese, hang the art. Not the other way around, although my art is deeeelicious. Next post, I'll show you what I'm bringing to the Cheesemonger.

Imagine, if you will...

Welcome to the Dollhouse!